Friday, November 21, 2008

Maybe I was going for too much color

Well, what do you think? Red, Green or Black for the skirt? I think I prefer the green, but then I would still have to do something to extend the length, which seems hard. And that makes me prefer one of the other two.


Haven said...

I like the green best.

Hallie Jo said...

I like the green best, too. Could you make another band of blue and purple to extend the length, maybe?

Piri said...

I am using scraps from Annie's shrug for the band, so I don't have much, but maybe I can use another color. And maybe I'll use higher triangles.

Innes said...

green looks the most chic (is that a word?) the red looks great-but a bit on the folksy side. the black seems to tone down the cool patchwork...
