Sunday, November 9, 2008

the final countdown

less than 3 weeks left!
Should we figure out the final details??
For example:
*Where and when will it be?
*What are the rules for showing?
*What else needs to be brought? (makeup, hair, snacks, cameras, etc)
*Are we going to make certificates/prizes?


Lona said...

Yes. I need to know the details. I have something on Fri. evening that I may need to get out of if it is then.

Time and Resources said...

GangGang is contributing a grand prize. I guess I should make sure she is still on schedule. I assumed it would be at my house since the Friday gathering usually is but I'm easy.

Time and Resources said...
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Hallie Jo said...

sounds good to me. i'll try and remember to bring my dad's tripod. also, if i can have the use of a kitchen i can make a tshirt shaped cake...if people aren't too full from thanksgiving food.

Piri said...

We should turn our scraps into party decorations.

Lona said...

I will bring copies of the scoresheet posted a while back

Innes said...

john and charles are coming to help judge if it's not too early in the day...

Hallie Jo said...

ok. time of day?
late afternoon?